Dallas Community Quilters
Dallas Community Quilters is dedicated to creating quilts and hats for those in need. Each year the group produces over 160 quilts and dozens and dozens of hats which are distributed to a variety of charitable agencies in our area and around the world.
Everyone is Welcome
We meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month from 9:00 am to noon in the basement of Dallas Foursquare Church. We invite you to come and join us!

There Are Many Different Ways You Can Help
You Can Tie Quilts
If you can tie a knot, you can tie a quilt! The majority of the quilts we make are tied, not quilted, so no special experience is needed, and it’s easy to learn our tying technique.

You Can Sew
Sewing quilt tops happens at home. Adult-sized quits are approximately 60 x 80 inches and baby quilts are no wider than 40 inches. We have a store of donated fabric that is available for you to make charity quilts with, and we even have pre-cut, easy-to-make quilt kits you can put together on your own.
You Can Make Hats
Hats for babies, kids, and adults can be made at home or during our meetings. We have a good supply of donated yarn available or you can use your own.

You Can Donate
Donations of 100% cotton or flannel fabric, #10 crochet thread (for tying the quilts), and machine-washable yarn are gratefully accepted, as are financial donations to purchase batting and other supplies. Simply click on the give button below and in the "Fund Box" choose "Other". Then put "Community Quilters” in the "Note Box".